Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Entry #2-College Woes

Even though it's 12:20AM right now and exhaustion calls upon my already lazy body to sleep, I feel this post especially is worth some sacrifice.

So yes this does break one of the rules I had mentioned as it reveals that I am indeed in high-school (about to finish though biaaacthes!) however as you will very soon come to know, I don't follow many rules too well.

Let me be blunt. I am a college whore. I have struggled with it hard and long however recent honest reflection has pushed me to realized that I am a junkie to the prospect of sexy brand-name universities. I fully realized this when I was hanging with my two best friends and we notice a random cut-up of a college brochure posted on the notice board. They look at it and go all "Haha! You're the college whore you probably know what this is!" As I sarcastically laughed back, I briefly glanced at the little piece of paper and muttered "Yea that's UChicago"

I used to be much worse actually. There was a time when I actually believed that if you don't attend a brand name college than your undergraduate education amounts to nothing.

Now before you start hating me and that squishy brain of yours figuratively pokes your fingers to close this lovely blog, know that that was a loooong time ago. Okay not really but I have truthfully come along way since that foolish stage. For instance, I now believe that it is important that you pick a college that suits you rather than your parents' over-inflated unrealistic expectations. See? I'm actually mature.

I may not be as hot, but rest assured this is
what it feels like sometimes.
That said, I can't help fearing my life won't be as awesome without the "Ivy" experience. Yes Yes Yes. College DOES NOT who you are/will become and though I do believe that fully, I still worry that any accomplishment I achieve throughout the years won't count for shit when the next guy on the job application proudly announces Yale as his alma mater. That doesn't mean my eyes are set on Harvard (undergrad sucks major ass there by the way) but it means I give higher regard to institutions with better reputation and rankings.

That really bums me out though. As much as I hate our obsession as a society over famous shit, I just can't a college called Tufts or Pomona seriously. Don't get me wrong, both are reaaaaaally good schools and I would be damn lucky to get admitted into either but let's be realistic. Wouldn't you feel like laughing even slightly if some guy came up to you and told you:
"Hi! My name is Bob. I studied Astrophysics and Microbiology"
*at which point you'll be all whoaaaa*
"at Tufts"
*at which point you'll be like meh*
You may even randomly say something like "How tough was that?"

I crack dry jokes.

Yea so back to my college fears! So as of right now, I am 99.9% sure my awesome life destiny lies in the slightly well-known school that is Columbia University in the City of New York (yes I said its official full name that is how bad my college whoreness is). Truth is, my obsession with Columbia over any other school started due to two very simple reasons; it's an Ivy League college in New York City. That was all it was at first until my college councilors talked some wisdom into me at which point I decided to actually look up the college. Believe it or not, I did actually find that it was more or less a hell of a match for me. I could go on for hours about that but it just so happens that this is not my supplement draft. All you need to know is that they have one of the best creative writing programs in the country, a self-contained campus in the best city on earth and a collaborative system with said greatest city on earth that basically make the best things about it freaking cheap.

The problem now is that I'm worried about admission. Not to the point of staying up late to blog about it *oops!* but at least to think about it every now and then daily (if that makes sense). Truthfully, I am starting to worry that my application may not be that strong especially with my not-so amazing grades on the Stupid American Test (you probably know it as the SAT).

However, now that I've unleashed the stress in this writing I feel the urge to let my heavy head hit the pillows. You will be surely updated along the stressful times of my application.
Until then dear reader,


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